Welcome to FlowPagos Chile

First of all, welcome to FlowPagos, local payment methods platform. In this occasion we will speak about our country of origin, where we were born, grew up and learnt everything we know. Chi-Chi-Chi-Le-Le-Le.

Chile is undoubtedly one of the most technologically advanced countries in Latin America. With more than 18 million inhabitants, its population distribution is 50.5% women and 49.5% men, with more than 35% of the population under 34 years of age.

The online evolution of the Chilean market

Chile has 14.1 million Internet users, which represents 77.5% of the total population, 78% use their smartphones to access the Internet and spend an average of $120,000 CLP per purchase, which is about $155 USD.

E-Commerce sales in Chile accounted for 6.07 Billion dollars in 2019, and it is expected that this year will almost double due to the pandemic. In addition, in the Retail sector, electronic commerce sales, represents just 10% of total sales, this figure is expected to increase to 23% in 2023. This makes Chile the most prepared country in the region to face the challenges that this situation has brought us.

This year B2C e-Commerce sales are expected to exceed US $10 billion in sales. The following table shows the evolution of sales in the last 6 years and the projection for 2020.

Year ⇒ Sales MM USD ⇒ Increase
2020 ⇒ 10,500 ⇒ 73% (Projected)
2019 ⇒ 6,079 ⇒ 20%
2018 ⇒ 5,200 ⇒ 30%
2017 ⇒ 4,000 ⇒ 30%
2016 ⇒ 3,074 ⇒ 24%
2015 ⇒ 2,480 ⇒ 22%

Payments and collection solutions

FlowPagos is a local payment methods platform that provides payments and collection solutions.
So that you can sell Payments requests by email, subscriptions, Integration with shopping carts, sales on social networks, refunds for all payment methods and more are available through FlowPagos.

In Chile, Flow is the largest provider of national capital payment services, with more than 50,000 clients, more than 2 million paying users, processing more than 1 million transactions per month and more than 30 payment methods.

With Flow you can accept all credit and debit cards, online bank transfers, (Servipag, and Khipu), electronic wallets such as Mach, Cash, Multi-box, and even Cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Bitcoin and Stellar).

In addition, credit and debit card payments are authenticated so you don’t have to worry about chargebacks due to ignorance. Anything else? Yes! Your customers can choose in which terms they want to pay for their purchases online directly when they choose to pay by card.

We are PCI Level 1, we not only offer you the most modern technology, but we also comply with the most stringent card information security standards worldwide.

Online sales in Chile have been growing for several consecutive years and this growth is expected to continue in the coming years.

Do you want to start selling in Chile? Speak with us!


“Toda la experiencia y el conocimiento que hemos adquirido durante todos estos años nos han ayudado a entender, que podemos contribuir a que tus ventas aumenten, simplificando todos los procesos relacionados con las ventas online. Si quieres llegar al verdadero potencial de Chile, entonces seguro te podemos ofrecer la mejor solución del mercado, FlowPagos.” Indica Luis Alcayaga, Gerente Comercial de Flow.

Santiago, Chile. Marchant Pereira Nº 221 piso 4, Chile.


(+56) 9 9409 1392

Chi-Chi-Chi Le-Le-Le

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